Apply for care
Entering into aged care can be a confusing and overwhelming time. Here, we outline some of the steps and requirements that will help you get the care you need.
The first step is to be assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). The assessment is free, and it can be arranged by speaking to your GP, health care centre, local hospital or you can contact our local ACAT team directly through Latrobe Community Health Service on 1800 242 696 or via the My Aged Care website.
This will detail your specific care needs and determine your level and type of care upon entry into Margery Cole Residential Care Service.
Once your application for residential aged care has been approved by the ACAT team, you can apply for care at Margery Cole.
When you contact us we will send you an information pack and make an appointment for you to take a tour of our facility and meet with our admissions team. This will give you an idea of what is available and whether you think you would feel comfortable being a resident here. You will need to bring your ACAT assessment (my aged care support plan), copy of any enduring Power of Attorney documents and the completed application for admission booklet with you to the appointment.
To apply for care at Margery Cole please complete the Application for Care form (pdf).
“I’ve had a new lease on life at Yallambee.”
Margery Cole resident